Wine Industry and Agribusiness Area
Viticulture Section

Gastón Gutiérrez
Agricultural Engineer (University of Talca, Chile)
Master in Horticulture (University of Talca, Chile)
Doctor in Enology, Viticulture and Sustainability (University of La Rioja, Spain).
Specialty: Viticulture
Professor at the School of Agronomy, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad Mayor, Chile
Oenology Section

Pablo Cañón Amengual
Bachelor in Sciences (Catholic University of Chile)
Degree in Biochemistry (Catholic University of Chile)
Enologist (Enologist Chilean Society)
Master in Plant Sciences (Catholic University of Chile)
Doctorate in Enginiering Sciences
Especiality: Wine Industry
Professor at the School of Agronomy, Faculty of Sciences, Universidad Mayor, Chile
Denomination of Origin and Wine Law Section

Marcela Molina
Lawyer (National University of Cuyo)
Doctor of Juridical Science (Niversity of Mendoza)
Speciality: Wine Law – Apellation of Origin – Intelectual Property
Professor of Argentine Catholic University
Agribusiness and Food Tecnology Section

Luis Sáez
Agricultural Engineer - University of Chile
Master in Consumer Behavior - University Adolfo Ibáñez.
Specialty: agrarian economics; marketing and valorization of products
Professor of the Department of Agricultural Management - Technological Faculty - University of Santiago de Chile
Researcher at the Center for Food Science and Technology Studies (CECTA-USACH)

Silvia Matiacevich
Degree in Biological Science (University of Buenos Aires).
Doctorate in Food Science PhD (University of Buenos Aires)
Researcher of Food Properties Research Group, Food Science and Technology Department, Technological Faculty, University of Santiago de Chile.
Wine Industry History Section

Félix Briones
Professor of History and Geography (University of Concepción, Chile)
Magister of Art in History (University of Santiago of Chile).
Sciences PhD: Social History (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Research line and specialty: History of viticulture in Chile, especially in the 19th century.
Full Professor of University of Bío Bío, Chillán, Chile
Indigenous World and Native Peoples Area

Enrique Cruz
PhD (University of Sevilla)
Master's degree in Theory and Methodology of the Social Sciences.
History of mestizos and indigenous societies of America
Associate researcher of the CONICET and regular professor at the National University of Jujuy.

Daniel Stewart
B.A Anthropology (Archeaology) Brigham Young University, Provo Utah, USA
M.A Anthropology (Archeaology) Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA
PhD History, History of Chile University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
Investigations focus on Latin American colonial history. Inside this research area I focus on frontier history, historical earthquakes and tsunamis, indigenous history, rural history and agricultural history.
Post-Doc Researcher - Catholic University of Valparaiso, Chile

Marisol Videla Lara
Degree in History (University of Chile)
Magister in History of Chile (University of Valparaíso)
Master in Educational Management (Andrés Bello University)
Master in Strategic Educational Marketing (Andrés Bello University)
Specialist in Indigenous History and Colonial History
Professor at the Catholic University of Maule
Architecture and Cultural Landscapes Area

Franco Marchionni
Architect from the (University of Mendoza)
Master in Latin American Art from the (National University of Cuyo)
PhD in Architecture from the (University of Mendoza).
Line of research: the study of landscape as an image of territorial transformation processes mediated by power. Ephemeral architecture, grape harvest festivals, social representations, photographic archives and intangible heritage to cultural landscape studies.
Researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research. Argentine Institute for Arid Zones Research (IADIZA). Professor-Researcher at the Faculty of Urban Planning and Design Architecture of the University of Mendoza.

Pablo Bianchi
Architect (Universidad de Mendoza).
Doctor (candidate) in Architecture (University of Mendoza)
Architectural and Urban Project, History, Social Representations and Tourism, Cultural Heritage.
Professor of National University of Cuyo (Argentina)
Economic History Area

José Sovarzo
Degree in History (National University of La Plata - Argentina)
Master in History (National University of Tres de Febrero, Argentina)
Economic History: Merchants and trade circuits in the Spanish monarchy. Political History: Imperial management, local consensus and political articulation in the administrations of the Spanish monarchy
Phd. Fellow in History, El Colegio de México (México)

Cristina Mazzeo
Professor of History (University of Buenos Aires)
Master in History of Perú (Catholic University of Perú)
Doctor in Social Sciences (El Colegio de Michoacán, México)
Professor in Catholic University of Perú

Consuelo Soler
Doctor in History (Iberoamerican University – México).
Master in Latin American Political Social Studies (Alberto Hurtado University)
Bachelor of Science in Education, Social Sciences and Economics
(Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia)
Lines of investigation: Trade, networks and transfers in global spaces. Cultural economy, institutions, social actors, and territorial development. History, visual culture and representations. Policies, societies and cultures. History of educational policies
Full Professor - Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Ancient and Medieval History Area

Gisela Coronado
PhD in History (National University of Mar del Plata)
Research lines: late medieval and early modern Hispanic History; History of the senses.
Professor of National University of Mar del Plata
Researcher of National Council for Scientific and Technoligy Research (CONICET).

Amalia Lejavitzer
Graduate in Classics (National Autonomous University of Mexico - UNAM)
PhD in Classical Literature ((UNAM)
Section: Ancient History
Specialty: studies of food in classical antiquity; Cultural heritage and identity. Landscape and food.
Professor of the Department of Humanities and Communication, Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Anthropology and cultural integration Area

Verónica Trpin
Master and Doctor in Social Anthropology (National University of Misiones)
Professor in History (National University of Comahue).
Migration, rural studies, gender and territorial transformations.
Researcher at CONICET and deputy director of IPEHCS-CONICET-UNCo.
Undergraduate and postgraduate teacher at the National University of Comahue and the University of Buenos Aires

Marco Antonio de Menezes
Doctorate in History (Federal University of Paraná, UFPR, Curitiba, Brazil)
Master in History (Paulista State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Graduation in History (Federal University of Uberlândia, UFU, Uberlândia, Brazil)
Post-Doctorate (Federal University of Minas Gerais, UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
Research lines: Sertão, regionalities and integration projects.
Professor of Federal University of Goiás – UFG (Brazil)

Grit Kirstin Koeltzsch
Ph.D. in Social Sciences (National University of Jujuy, Argentina)
Master's in Theory and Methodology of the Social Sciences (National University of Jujuy)
Graduation in Anthropology (National University of Salta, Argentina)
Specialties: Anthropology of dance and movement; Popular cultures; Performance studies; Anthropology and sociology of perception and emotions; Autoethnography and performance ethnography as research method
Institution: UE-CISOR/CONICET, National University of Jujuy

Isabel Aguilera
Sociologist (University of Chile)
PhD in Anthropology (University of Barcelona)
Food Anthropology Specialist
Professor at the Catholic University of Maule