Ibero-American Journal of Vituculture, Agro-industry and Rurality (RIVAR) is an open access journal, interested in publishing texts submitted to the peer review system. It has a quarterly frequency. It is published every year in the months of January, May, and September. Collaborators must adjust their materials to the following editorial standards:


Reciprocity commitment: RIVAR does not charge fees or payments for the publication of articles. The works are evaluated by peers with a double-blind system. The task of evaluating is ad honorem and represents a supportive contribution from the academic community. Additionally, the authors of RIVAR are requested to contribute to this process as an act of reciprocity with the journal. For this reason, the authors will present, along with their articles, a specific letter (see template below).


Works maximum length: 8,000 words is the maximum length for each work (all inclusive).

Title: The article will have a title at the beginning that represents its content. The title should not exceed a twelve-word maximum length. The title is presented in Spanish and English.

Abstract: After the title, an abstract is included, maximum length not exceeding 200 words. The Abstract must contain objectives, hypotheses, materials and methods, and main results. It is also presented in Spanish and English.

Keywords: Each article should include between three and five keywords, which represent the fundamental concepts of the work. The keywords must be aligned with the UNESCO Thesaurus. They are also presented in Spanish and English.

Content format: The content must have a detailed and structured description, where the research conducted is explained with fidelity and precision. Clear and simple language, and optimal wording should be used. The texts should be submitted in Microsoft Word files, Times font, size 12 for the main text, and size 10 for footnotes, single spacing. The use of italics is reserved exclusively for words in a foreign language (e.g., mutatis mutandis), newspaper names (e.g., The Times), journal names (e.g., Ibero-American Journal), book titles and ship names. Direct quotations must always be placed "inside quotation marks". If the citation is more than three lines long, it should be separated from the text by two blank lines and a font size of 10. No words in bold or underlined are used. Words should not be written with all the letters capitalized. Capital letters are only used in the initial letter, at the beginning of a sentence or a proper name. For example: Germany, John.

Images: All articles should include at least two or three images. They must be cited within the text and numbered successively (e.g.: Figure 1, Figure 2). Each image should have a title at the top and the source at the bottom. For example:

Figure 1. Heritage vineyard of the Itata valley, Chile.

Source: author's photograph.

It is important to ensure the rights to publish the images. Authors may include photographs of their own authorship. They can also include published images but citing the source and having in writing the permission of the authors. For the evaluation process, the images must be inside the text (low resolution). After being accepted for publication, when preparing the final version, high resolution images must be send to editor by email.

Tables: It is recommended to include Tables that provide contributions to the content of the work. The Tables will be numbered correlatively with Arabic numerals (Table 1; Table 2). All Tables will have a title in Spanish and English, and the corresponding source.

How to cite: Within the text, the works are cited with the author's last name, publication year: page number. Example: (Rice, 2010: 33-34).

Footnotes must be as few as possible and only to provide documentary references or clarifications (bibliographic references are preferably within the text, as indicated above). Latin expressions like op. cit., idem, or ibid should not be used.

Anonymity for evaluation: When submitting the article to RIVAR, author must send blind version of the article. Any references that allow knowing the identity of the authors, such as expressions that refer to other works by the same author, etc., must be avoided in the blind version.

Author and research project data: Unlike the blind version, the full version article must include the information about the research project from which the article has been developed and the names of the authors. At the end of the article title, a footnote should be included to indicate the project information. There, the author should mention the title of the project, number, funding institution, and fulfilment period (beginning and ending year). The names of the authors must be included under the article title. Only those who have provided significant contributions to the final writing of the text and have approved the final version of the text may appear as author or co-authors. At the end of the list of authors, a footnote is placed in which the information of each one is included. The ORCID number, institutional affiliation (in Spanish and English), city, country and email address of each author should be included in it.

Bibliography: The updated list of texts on the topic addressed must be included in the bibliography. Normally, the article dialogues with these authors throughout its development.

Any texts that have not been mentioned in the article should not be included in the bibliography. Neither should the article mention works that are later not included in the bibliography.

The minimum and maximum bibliography length is between 20 and 25 works.

The bibliography should be ordered by authors' last names, in increasing alphabetical order.

Books: Author's last name, first initial. (year). Title of the book. Edition city, Editorial.


Mellafe, R. (1994). The memory of colonial America. Santiago of Chile, Editorial Universitaria.

Articles published in journals: Author's last name, first initial. (year). "Article title". Journal name volume (number): initial and final page numbers of the article.


Duhart, F. (2010). “A popular alcohol sociability on the threshold of the 21st century: drinking at the Bayonne festivities (France, 1990-2005)”. Advanced Studies 14 (2): 207-234.

Book chapters: Author's last name, first initial. (year). "Chapter title". In: Last name of the book editor, first initial of book editor. Book title in italics. City of book edition, Publisher: initial and final page numbers of the chapter.


Blanquez, J. (2009) “Wine in Iberian funeral rituals”. In: Celestino Pérez, S. Archeology of wine. The origins of wine in the West. Madrid, Autonomous University of Madrid: 217-244.

Articles published in online journals: Author's last name, Author's name. (year). "Article title". Journal name volume (number): pages (from-to) URL-Doi.


Clemente Ricolfe, J.-S., Esteve Menada, C., & Pozo Rubio, S. (2020). "Understanding wine consumers according to their motivations: the case of the millennial generation in Spain". RIVAR 7 (21), 1-12.

Articles published in conference proceedings: Author's last name, Author's name. (year). "Title of the presentation". Proceedings of the Name of the Conference. City, Country, conference date. Place, Publisher: initial and final page numbers of the presentation.


Parras Rosa, M. (2007). "The olive oil economy in the period 1986-2005". Proceedings of the I Congress of Olive Culture, Jaen, October, 2005. Jaen, Institute of Jiennenses Studys: 341-363.

Manuscript submission:

Exclusivity commitment and economic rights transfer: Sending an article to this journal implies the not- to-submit-it commitment simultaneously to another journal, and not having published it before. Once published in this journal, the text can be republished, totally or partially, citing the original publication in RIVAR. Authors will attach an exclusivity commitment letter in a separated file, along with the article submission. Authors must also send an economic rights transfer letter (see templates below).

Review and decision: Articles that do not comply with these standards will not be accepted for consideration. The blind version of the article is evaluated anonymously by two specialists (double-blind reference), according to the general uses and customs in scientific journals. For more details of this system refer to the following link: The evaluation is conducted using an evaluation form, which is public and is included at the end of this document. The arbitration system uses reviewers external to the journal's publishing institution. The evaluation time is 30 days. The article may be accepted without modifications, accepted with minor modifications, or rejected. The editorial team will inform the authors of the decisions taken within a maximum period of 60 days as of the sending of the text.

Once the evaluation result is notified, the authors will have a 30-day period to send the final version of the text, adapted to the recommendations and suggestions of reviewers and editors, and adjusted to the RIVAR standards. In the case of articles with major observations, the term will be 60 days.

Possible reviewers and Conflict of interest: When submitting an article to RIVAR, the author should include three possible reviewers (specialists in the topic addressed). The Editorial Board will have the possibility of calling one of them to undertake the evaluation.

The author also has the right to express if he/she has a conflict of interest with any person, so that he/she is not assigned to be reviewer of the work. The journal is committed to respecting the confidentiality of this information. Justified objections will only be considered to individuals, not to institutions or research units. RIVAR will endeavor to respect requests for objection, except in exceptional cases in which it is essential to have the opinion of a specialist.

Provisional clause: The standards here presented will apply to all articles submitted to RIVAR from January 1st, 2021. All works submitted during 2020 and accepted for publishing will gradually adapt to this new regulation, bearing in mind some flexibility. Throughout 2021, the process will be in trial period. As of 2022, only articles complying with this regulation will be published by RIVAR.

Edited by the Institute for Advanced Studies of the University of Santiago de Chile.
Adress: Román Díaz 89, Providencia, Santiago de Chile. - Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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RIVAR is distributed underCreative Commons Atribution 4.0 Internacional licence